Get to know these different actors who are involved in the mechanisms of alloreactivity.
Professional antigen-presenting cells are cells specialised in antigen presentation…
Lymphocytes are the cells of adaptive immunity. We distinguish between T cells and B cells…
HLA molecules are key molecular actors, essential for the initiation of adaptive immunity, both cellular and humoural…
NK cells are specific lymphocytes involved in innate immunity and at the border between innate and adaptive immunity.
Immunoglobulins (also called antibodies) are soluble BCRs synthesised by plasma cells…
Antigen presentation is the process by which the body’s cells present, via their HLA molecules, antigen proteins in the form of short peptides to the T-cell TCRs.
Alloreactivity refers to the immunological mechanisms implemented to recognise and destroy cells or components coming from an individual of the same species, but genetically different.
Activation of T cells corresponds to the three signals delivered by the dendritic cell in the lymphoid organs. This allows, on the one hand, the acquisition of its properties, and on the other hand, the initiation of clonal proliferation.
Activation of B cells refers to all the steps necessary for the transformation of a naive B cell into plasma cells secreting immunoglobulins.